Big Discounts on Art Supplies Canvases Made To Order 'In House'
Premium Low Cost Imported Canvases Picture Framing Specialists
The Art & Frame Centre, Kelly Bray, Cornwall Tel: 01579 383523 (Established 1979)
Artists' Hog is Winsor and Newtons highest quality hog brush and provides a level of performance that is unrivalled. It is made from the finest materials with the highest level of craftsmanship, and achieves the degree of sensitivity demanded by discerning artists. By using the finest Chunking hog bristles, the hair is extremely resilient and the brush retains its working edge and shape for far longer. The bristles are also ‘flagged' (i.e. split at the ends) giving the brush the ability to carry more colour and then to apply it evenly to the surface. The natural curve of the bristle is utilised to ensure no loss of natural spring. Artists' Hog brushes give an unrivalled performance and though traditionally an oil colour brush, works brilliantly with acrylic colour
Flat head with oval tip. Creates a broad mark with a soft edge. Similar to the Artists' Hog Filbert, these brushes have a shorter, thicker shape for extra colour control.
A filbert is a narrow, flat brush with hairs that come to a rounded point. Used on its side, a filbert gives a thin line; used flat it produces a broad brush stroke; and by varying the pressure as you apply the brush to canvas, or flicking it across, you can get a tapering mark.